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What makes me happy: cats, watching videos of cats, watching videos of dogs, watching videos of animals in general. Baking cakes, eating Italian, eating Chinese, eating sweet potatoes. Buy useless things on Wearing black, wearing pink, coloring my hair, putting glitter on people's faces, pretending I'm a mermaid. Beat Generation literature. Drinking wine, sending embarrassing selfie to my friends, singing Avril Lavigne under the shower. Washing the dishes. Sharing chocolate. Imagining life stories about people I meet on the train. Jägermeister. BLAH Airlines Flight 101. Christmas cinnamon cookies. Visiting abandoned places, cooking with friends, sleeping in a tent. Walking, swimming breaststroke style. Playing with the wax from the candles. Playing with stranger's dogs in the streets. Old books shops smell. Watching dystopian movies, watching episodes of Futurama. This is water by David Foster Wallace. Eating yogurt with Nesquik powder.


What makes me sad: the moment just before going for a run, pepperoni. Hearing dogs crying. Opinel knives. Ruining my underwear by washing it with black clothes. Putting salt in the coffee. Dirty kitchens, frozen pizza in restaurants. Bookshelves where books from the same author are not placed next to each other. German language, english weather, smell of onions. Drinking the last sip of beer, seeing people not finishing their food when I cook for them. Tuesday evening. Fifty Shades of Grey. Waking up before 6.48 am, entering a car that smells cigarettes, being envious of beautiful asian girls. Tasteless ice cream. Buying a chocolate croissant and discovering it was actually a marmalade one.


If I were a superhero: Doctor Manhattan.

My favorite cat breed: Main Coon.

My favorite dog breed: Samoiedo.

If I could found a city: No-Onionsville, a city free of onions. Finally.

What makes me cry: Videos about dogs that lost their human.

What can I do perfectly: Gorla's blasting Tiramisù.

What am I afraid of: Needles and bad alignments.

Something embarrassing: I can't really bike.

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